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Construction of Naturaliste Heights Estate Commencing Soon

Harley Dykstra have been appointed as Project Managers and surveyors for the implementation of the next stage of Naturaliste Heights Estate in Dunsborough. The next stage will involve thirteen residential housing lots in the more elevated western section of the Estate, and will see Scooner Crescent extending and linking in with Martingale Drive to complete a road link in the Estate. Harley Dykstra has worked closely with a team of sub-consultants including engineers and environmental specialists in developing appropriate civil and underground services engineering plans, a fire management plan, a public open space and landscaping plan, and an environmental management plan for the construction works. This stage of subdivision will also see the improvement to an existing public open space bushland area at the entry to the Estate in terms of a small pocket park with play equipment, adjacent street car parking, and appropriate fencing and management of the bushland reserve.

It is anticipated that construction work will commence on site during October 2016 and potentially be completed by March 2017. The extension of Martingale Drive will also provide opportunity for further approval of the next stage of 8 residential lots, which the estate developers may choose to release shortly after the current stage has been completed.

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