In 2011 construction of the Haynes Coles Supermarket and a number of speciality shops commenced, and since that time Harley Dykstra have been very active in pursuing planning approvals for further commercial developments on this extremely successful local shopping centre site. Planning approvals have been obtained for Coles Express, KFC, 711, a new Aldi Store, a Tavern/Restaurant Complex, a Car-Wash Facility and a Bulky Goods Showroom Complex. With each of these commercial developments, Harley Dykstra worked closely with the architects in terms of providing all the necessary survey and planning inputs needed to prepare the plans, and then Harley Dykstra compiled the various Planning Applications and obtained the Approvals from the authorities.
Some of the approvals required modifications to be undertaken to the Structure Plan guiding development for the site, and also required preparation of retail assessments and traffic studies and modelling. Harley Dykstra took the lead role as planner and project manager both in terms of obtaining the amended Structure Plan approval and in terms of facilitating the servicing installations required for each of the separate tenancy buildings developed on the site. The combination of town planning, survey and project management expertise has certainly facilitated not only the approvals obtained on the site but more significantly the management of service installations over the various stages of development for the entire Shopping Centre Complex.
The involvement of Harley Dykstra surveyors to constantly capture and update the progressive development of buildings and infrastructure on the site and maintain a comprehensive Master Plan for these as-constructed items has been an extremely useful tool for all those involved in this particular development project.