By balancing a myriad of opportunities and constraints, Harley Dykstra has achieved approval for the construction of a restaurant and cidery in the Canning Orchard. Located along Brookton Highway, famous for its produce of summer fruits, Canning Orchard Pty Ltd proposed an onsite commercial development. The applicants’ desire was to construct a restaurant and cidery on the 35 acres of land, whilst continuing operation of the existing orchard. Canning Orchard is located within the heart of the Perth Hills orchard region. The application was lodged with the City of Armadale in October 2017 and approved in August 2019. During the application process, pending approval, Harley Dykstra was working “behind the scenes” to solve numerous issues regarding noise, water, environmental protection, bushfire and waste. To solve these issues Harley Dykstra was involved in detailed negotiations with local government, DWER, MRWA and DFES, to achieve ultimate approval. This required coordination of a number of sub-consultants to pull together this great outcome for the client. A client with an approval is a thrilled client, and that is Harley Dykstra’s aim. Hand over your problem solving to Harley Dykstra, your land development specialist. “Whilst the negotiation and development assessment process was a long one, it was necessary to ensure good outcomes for the landowner, whilst also protecting the interests of the City of Armadale in approving this development as it has the potential to significantly strengthen the rapidly growing tourist sector in the Roleystone-Karragullen Hills area.” Clayton Plug, Senior Town Planner, Harley Dykstra