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Kelmscott Town Centre Multiple Dwelling Complex

Client:  Total Development Services

Location:  Turner Place Kelmscott

Timeframe:  Approved in May 2016


Our client acquired two adjoining parcels of land within a structured planned and developing residential area on the north side of Turner Place, adjacent to the Kelmscott Town Centre Precinct and one property separated from the Canning River. The Structure Plan allocated the land for R40 development and required a new subdivisional road to dissect the property.  Under normal R40 grouped dwelling or subdivisional standards, the land would potentially been developed for approximately 22 housing lots in total.  Due to the topography of the land and the grade required to sewer the land, under a normal development scenario it would have been necessary to undertake extensive filling of the property, which together with the extensive road requirement under the Structure Plan would have made development of the land unviable.


Harley Dykstra promoted a design solution for the land comprising a 50 unit 2 storey apartment complex, with 24 and 26 apartments located each side of the new subdivisional road (respectively) and addressing the subdivisional road. This concept enabled the engineers to achieve a sewer design with a private pump station to each of the apartment complexes, thereby avoiding the extensive filling of the site that would otherwise have been necessary, and also enabling a overall development yield that would make the whole project viable, given the extensive road construction and public open space requirements of the Structure Plan.

The challenge was to convince the local authority and local community that a multiple dwelling development in this particular residential location would be an acceptable and good planning outcome.


Our design capitalised on the central subdivisional road required by the Structure Plan by using this road as the frontage for all of the apartments and integrating visitor parking on both sides of the street along with footpaths and landscape treatments. Essentially, the subdivisional road under the Structure Plan was designed as the civic space for the multiple dwelling complex.  This roadway/civil space leads to the public open space located towards the rear of the development complex, which also accommodates an existing watercourse and future drainage requirements.  Private car parking areas and communal open space areas were provided in locations adjacent to the units on either side of the subdivisional road.

Following assessment of the application by Council Planners, several meetings and consultations with Council Planners, and after the results of public advertising, a number of design modifications were agreed upon with the City Planners. The final outcome that a Planning Approval for 50 multiple dwellings was issued by the City of Armadale, subject to a list of conditions that were considered to be acceptable for this type of development.

Harley Dykstra will now further assist the developer in progressing the required subdivision application and managing the process of implementing the subdivision, undertaking construction survey set-out, and implementing the built-strata approval over the development.

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