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Poultry Farm Expansion

Poultry Farm Expansion - Henderson Road, Serpentine-Jarrahdale WA

For over 15 years now Harley Dykstra has been involved in assisting poultry farmers with planning approvals for new poultry farms or expansions to existing poultry farms, and as such has developed specialist expertise within this unique industry. Predominantly such applications have focussed on areas south of Perth, and in many instances the planning process has involved obtaining extensive inputs from specialist air quality consultants, and in some instances applications have been approved through a State Administrative Tribunal process.

In 2002/2003 Harley Dykstra obtained planning approval for the Henderson Road poultry farm to be expanded with one additional shed and extension to the existing four sheds, and converting the farm to a tunnel ventilated farm. Approval was obtained from both the Western Australian Planning commission and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale for this initial expansion project. Given that the proposal complied in every respect with State and Local Planning Policies, the approval was relatively straight forward and there was no requirement for air quality reports or modelling.

In 2013 the new owner of the poultry farm appointed Harley Dykstra to prepare a planning application for approval of one additional shed (and re-approval of Shed No. 5, which had not yet been constructed from the earlier approval). Given the shift in Shire Policy and the interest shown by surrounding landowners in this rural precinct, an Odour Modelling Report was required, and incorporated as part of the development application. Although the air quality modelling report showed that there would only be a marginal increase in the odour contour emanating from the farm, and that compliance with policy standards could still be achieved, the Local Authority chose to refuse the application on the strength of strong objections received from surrounding landowners.

Harley Dykstra took this matter to the State Administrative Tribunal and, despite an adjoining landowner being party to the tribunal process, Harley Dykstra was able to negotiate planning approval through a mediation process with the Tribunal and the Local Authority. The planning approval was obtained as a result of various mediations and an onsite meeting with the Tribunal and key stakeholders, and involved the introduction of various mitigation measures to reduce the potential impact of the farm on surrounding properties. Mitigation measure included some simple farm management techniques and the introduction of bunding, fencing and vegetation measures in strategic locations around the farm.

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