The Men’s Shed of Bunbury recently had an opportunity to make use of the old service station located in Frankel Street in the small commercial hub. The Men’s Shed’s aim is to use the old Service Station as a means to have a monthly garage sale, and at the same time give the service station a bit of a lift. Through a variety of contexts, Harley Dykstra were asked to help out, and given the Men’s Shed is run by volunteers and given their intent and overall help for the city, Harley Dykstra completed the work pro bono. Our services included an application for a “change of use,” for which Harley Dykstra completed a site meeting, steered the overall submission, completed the full submission including car parking and traffic circulation, plus dealt with a number of business and technical issues that arose throughout the approval stage. The approval was gained in June and now The Men’s Shed are able to use the facility for a monthly garage sale and to store materials on site, whilst at the same time giving the station a freshen up. The Men’s Shed is a community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organisation that is accessible to all men and whose primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly and welcoming environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace in their own time in the company of other men. A major objective is to advance the health and wellbeing of their male members and to encourage social inclusion. 21851-01B Site Plan
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